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Thank you for your interest in my editorial services! I'm an Adult and YA author writing in many genres, from historical fiction to fantasy, represented by Christine Goss at FinePrint Literary. I've been writing since 2009 and editing since 2021, and in that time I've critiqued and edited dozens of manuscripts and query letters; many of those authors went on to get multiple full requests and offers of representation. I take pride in building trust and success.
No matter if you're querying, agented, or self-publishing, we can work together. Below, you can browse my services, my genres and theme sweet spots, and my not good-fits!
If you want to see what my clients are saying about working with me, please scroll down for their testimonials!
In Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult, any of the following genres and sub genres combined
Historical fiction, grounded fantasy, mystery, thriller, adventure and action, dystopia, paranormal, horror, romance, contemporary, whodunits and murder mysteries, rom-coms, gothic, dark academia, bookclub / upmarket.
Favorite themes: cruise ships, Victorian and Edwardian eras, theme parks, whodunits, locked-room or isolated settings, the sea, quaint little towns, romance, time travel, reincarnation, vampires, end of the world or dystopian settings.
​I'm not the best fit for Middle Grade, police procedure, nonfiction, erotica, screenplays, academic works, sci-fi (unless grounded), intricate epic high fantasy.​​
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